Age related vision changes are widespread as a result of the natural aging process. Additionally, it also involves the risk of developing various eye diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to seek help from an eye doctor. This way, you can check if these diseases are age related. Meanwhile, a laser is used by eye specialists in Melbourne, with excellent results. You may ask your eye doctor if you are a good candidate for this treatment option.
Age related eye problems occur as we grow older. If we do not receive treatment earlier, it can lead to temporary or permanent vision loss. In this case, we will lose our eyes, which we use to navigate the world around us.
Age Related Vision Changes
Generally speaking, we cannot control the effects of aging on our health. In this case, eye health is not an exemption. There is a higher risk of eye disease developing, affecting our ability to see. Given this point, let me give you information about the eye diseases that you can experience relative to aging.
1 Age related macular degeneration (AMD)
This age related eye disease is directly affecting the macula. As a result, there will be a central vision loss. In actuality, the macula is the part of the retina that helps our eyes vividly see details and colors. On the condition that age related macular degeneration takes place, there will be a difficulty using the central vision. Hence, the peripheral view stays the same. In the United States, AMD is the leading cause of blindness.
- Blurry vision
- Different color perception
2 Cataracts
Cataracts involve the clouding of the lens of the eye. In this condition, the normal vision of the person who has cataracts may become blurry. Fortunately, cataract surgery is available. Before the surgery takes place, your eye doctor or ophthalmologist is most likely to do eye exams first. They might need to apply dilation to better see inside the eye. Moreover, cataract surgery will only take about an hour.
- Blurry or foggy vision
- Light sensitivity
- Seeing halo or glare
- Eye prescription changes
- Double vision
- Requires brighter lights when reading
- Poor night vision
- Changes in viewing colors
3 Diabetic Retinopathy
It is one of the eye problems that usually occurs as a complication of diabetes. Meanwhile, diabetes results in high blood sugar levels, damaging the retina. Moreover, it directly affects the small blood vessels that sustain the retina. As a result, the damaged blood vessels will leak blood and fluids, leading to retinal tissue swelling and blurry vision.
- Gradual worsening vision
- Sudden vision loss
- Floaters
- Patchy vision
- Pain
- Redness
4 Dry Eyes
It is one of the eye conditions that occur due to the insufficiency of tears lubricating the eyes. Tears help clean the eyes to have a clearer vision and to keep them healthy. This eye condition is prevalent due to aging and other medical concerns leading to a decreased tear production.
- Stinging or burning sensation
- Stringy mucus
- Light sensitivity
- Redness
- Difficulty wearing contact lenses
- Watery eyes
- Inability to drive at night
- Fatigue
5 Glaucoma
This eye issue involves damage to the optic nerve. In effect, the pressure rises inside the eye. Eventually, if the patient receives no treatment, it can lead to loss of vision. Unfortunately, there is no cure for glaucoma. But then again, there is an available treatment to lessen its progression. Additionally, glaucoma can affect both eyes. For this reason, it would be best to treat the condition early before it worsens.
- Pain
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Visual blurring
6 Retinal Detachment
It is an emergency wherein the retina is pulling off from its original position. As a result, the retinal cells separate from blood vessels. Without proper treatment, blindness is highly probable.
- Floaters
- Photopsia
- Visual blurring
- Gradual reduction of peripheral vision
- Curtain-like shadow over the visual field
Treatment for Eye Problems
Addressing age related vision changes differ individually, depending on the situation. But, generally speaking, the following options are the most common.
- Glasses: Typically, an eye doctor recommends glasses to correct vision problems. It also serves as protection from dirt or foreign objects.
- Contact lenses: This option applies to those individuals wherein glasses don’t fit their preference.
- Surgery: Surgical operation is necessary if the patient’s condition is severe. However, the eye doctor should ensure that the patient underwent required eye exams beforehand.
- Intraocular lens implantation: This option usually applies to cataracts. But now, it also applies to treating other vision problems, such as presbyopia.
Various treatment options are available. However, the eye doctor will choose according to your actual condition.
Health changes are normal, but we can do something about them. We have the ability to control situations and prevent severe conditions from these changes.
Protecting Your Vision Against Age Related Eye Issues
Generally speaking, we all know that the risk of developing health issues is high as we age. However, if we start caring for our eyes at such a young age, we can prevent serious eye problems. Here are some tips to keep our eyes in good shape. Doing this early, you can make your vision last longer despite your age. However, if you have a family history of eye problems, it would be best to visit your opthalmologist.
It would be best to quit smoking. It also affects a person’s eye conditions.
- Ensure that you use an excellent light source.
- Additionally, exercising is also helpful. Aside from eye health, it will improve overall health as well.
- If you have diabetes, it is essential that you properly manage it. Take your prescription drugs on time.
- Moreover, wear glasses to serve as protection against sunlight.
- It would also be best to maintain a healthy diet, including green, leafy vegetables and fish.
- Lastly, if you play hardcore sports, wear protective eyewear.
Vision changes are typical when people start to age. On the other hand, even at such a young age, the younger generation already experiences vision problems. Given this point, it would be best to undergo a regular eye exam. Sometimes, our vision may appear normal. But then, there could be an underlying condition. This condition might put your vision at risk if you continuously neglect it.
Food for Thoughts
If you notice something odd in either your left or right eye, search for the best clinic and undergo an eye exam immediately.
Senior Vision: Over 60 Years of Age, American Optometric Association, Accessed June 25, 2021,
Vision Changes as We Age: What’s Normal, What’s Not?, Moran Eye Center, September 09, 2016,